FAQ's Frequently Asked Questions

Is Paper Post free?

Paper Post is free to Post and View. There is a 12% commission collected from the seller on success of selling posted items.

Does the posting of items restrict me?

No. Postings are non-exclusive consignments. There is no restriction on use or sale of inventory.

Do I need to deal with people wanting to buy my postings?

No. Paper Post manages all details with the buyer.

How do I get paid?

Paper Post will invoice the Buyer for the material. Once the Buyer receives the material and accepts the order, Paper Post will issue payment to the Seller minus the 12% commission.

Can I make an offer on items?

Yes. Prices posted are negotiable. Just select the make offer button and Paper Post will pass the offer to the Seller.

Do Prices include freight?

No. Freight will be calculated based on Seller location and Ship to address. Freight costs will be included on the invoices from Paper Post.

Can I post multiple items?

Yes. There is not any restriction on the number of items posted.